How Internal Benchmarking Helps Make A Winning Team


Many employees are feeling empowered at the moment; the pandemic has brought to light some glaring issues in work/life balance, and pay structure. According to The Washington Post nearly one third of workers younger than 40 are considering changing careers: “The result is a great reassessment of work, as Americans fundamentally reimagine their relationships to their jobs.”

For many industries it’s time to take a hard look at the definition, expectations, and value of many roles – from top to bottom.

At TZR we are getting a lot of calls from people who are re-evaluating their positions, and we know that companies have to prepare to listen to their current teams’ concerns to work out ways to meet their needs.

But how do you decide value and who and what is worth your time?

A good place to start is by using our Internal Benchmarking search.

Why your company needs Internal Benchmarking

Put simply TZR’s Internal Benchmarking services help identify needs and fulfill them for current and potential employees.

The service can also be used to compare trends within the industry so businesses can stay on top of what workers want and how to offer opportunities that make them a desirable employer.

Sometimes you just want to see how your team is performing versus the marketplace of talent. TZR conducts searches, provides analysis, and identifies candidates which is invaluable support for when making decisions to promote from within or to hire from the outside.

How do you compare to what your competitors are offering?

“Some…seek a more meaningful or higher-paying career, while others want a new location that allows for a different lifestyle. Workers are rethinking what they want to do in their careers and are confident they can find something else.” The Washington Post.

Part of finding meaning in one’s career is knowing where you stand and where you have the potential to go. TZR’s recruitment process helps identify top talent within your organization and allow employers to show where opportunities for growth and development lie in a clear and efficient way.

Job satisfaction is clearly important to today’s workforce – understanding where your employees stand along with aspirations of potential new hires will help keep your workforce productive and challenged.

“We provide analysis, letting our clients know what we are seeing for the level of person they are looking for.  We address specifics including the compensation range, and how tight the market is or isn’t for the type of talent they are looking for,” said Mark Fisher TZ Recruiting president. 

Use TZR’s internal benchmarking to identify your team’s strengths and weaknesses and find ways to appeal to the aspirations of those employees that you want to stick around for years to come and have been identified with 1Up potential.

TZR is your partner

TZR Benchmarking services allow employers to find out where their workforce stands in relation to others in the industry. Understanding how employees feel and what they aspire to do helps create a well-rounded, productive work environment where the best talent wants to be.

“Sometimes it is calibrating along the way throughout a project.  If the market has changed or compensation ranges or availability of talent changes, or other factors that have impacted this past year by COVID etc.  These all play into our analysis and forecasting your talent,” said Mark.

If you need a snapshot of what where your team stands reach out to us today.

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